Japanese Only

NPO Kodomo Network Center Tenki-Mura

Kusatsu-shi, Higashi Kusatsu 1-1-15
TEL +81-077-564-7868
(Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00)
FAX +81-077-564-7918


   Having started as a daycare center focusing primarily on outdoor activities, Tenki-Mura currently has a wide variety of support projects for infants, children, families, people with disabilities and the elderly, which focus on intergenerational exchange, environmental issues, welfare etc. In addition, we plan and carry out many projects related to nature experiences, cultural exchange, regional restoration, creative activities etc for children, junior high, highschool and university students, international volunteers and interns.


  Tenki-Mura was established in 1987 to reconsider and improve the environment surrounding our children. As an educational NPO, we have created a place for considering issues related to the environment surrounding children together with the people of the region, promoting regional exchange and practising active education. Forming a diverse regional network focusing on societal, cultural and environmental issues, we are striving to improve and serve the regional community from the viewpoint of healthy education for children.
   In 1990, Konpeito Nature Daycare was opened, to offer childcare that focuses on the connection between nature and people. Based on our catchphrase "The earth is a playgroung!", we came to offer childcare support for small children and elementary school students. Furthermore, Tenki-Mura came to support an active way of living by promoting learning from nature, building places where parents and children can play together, and allowing the elderly and children with disabilities wholesome experiences.
   Non-profit organization NPO Kodomo Network Center Tenki-Mura was established in April 1999, to create a foundation for our various activities related to personal and regional improvement.
  From 2011, aiming to create a common place for both the parents and the children, we have offered lifestyle heritage activities at the old farmhouse "Zutto", located in Otsu.
  From 2013, to further improve our society and promote sustainable lifestyle , designing social businesses, we are starting a new project called "Sustainable Life Design School".


 2008 Kinki Roukin NPO Award

 2013 Nishinihon Kousokuroudo Partners Club Working Women's Childcare Support

 2013 Awami Future Award

The Media


Tenki-Mura's 1000 year plan
