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NPO Kodomo Network Center Tenki-Mura

Kusatsu-shi, Higashi Kusatsu 1-1-15
TEL +81-077-564-7868
(Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00)
FAX +81-077-564-7918

Children's Disaster Prevention Training Program

  A disaster prevention training program aimed for children on the lower grades of elementary school. The training is conducted through familiar plays and games.
  Started back in 2006, as "Children's Kingdom Kusatsu" event's Environmental Disaster Project. On the theme "How to escape from dangerous places", we practised through games such as: creating mazes and spider webs with elastic cord, trying to get out without touching them; trying to pass paths of stepping stones without falling off; etc.

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  We are working on turning the Konpeito Nature Daycare's Sports Day event into Disaster prevention program, by combining several children's events on the area.